Tiny Farm Wiki

This book has the different items to collect on Tiny Farm. Currently the Book consists of 5 different collections:

  1. Animals - Symbolized with a sheep head
  2. All Collectible Animals - Symbolized with a sheep head with saying the word "All"
  3. Decoration - Symbolized with a Box with items in it
  4. Recipes - Symbolized with a Chef hat
  5. Egg Decoration - Symbolized with an Egg.


In this tab are only the Animals which belong to a collection like the Sheep Collection. View the Animal Collection for more information about the various collections.

All Collectible Animals

All the animals to collect on Tiny Farm, whether they belong to a collection or not. Some animals are not included in the whole collection, like the Sick Baby Deer, those do not give Animal Points. All Animals of Tiny Farm and All Animals Collection


There are many decoration items, but be aware, not every decoration item is included in a collection which means it is unknown how many items there really are. To see all the decorations included in a collection view the Decoration Collection.


Be a chef! Use the crops and make Tiny Farm dishes with the help of the Recipe Collection.

Egg Decoration

Every Egg got an Egg Decoration which you can all view in the Egg Gallery. In the Egg Decoration Collection you can learn more about what you achieve with collection the Egg Decorations.
